Friday, May 9, 2008

Fri, May 9, 2008

Still no resident pods, but good rumors of a large pod of Orca
down south of Cattle Pass. One of our local Orca aficionados saw
them from a Kenmore plane.

Even with no whales passengers enjoyed a spectacular show of
about 20 Eagles feeding of a school of large herring. Also, seals
and sea lions were feeding on the herring and small shark that
were also feeding on the herring. It was about 6:00 PM at Turn Pt.
Lighthouse. The flood tide was raging, the sun was shinning, the
Eagles were fighting with each other and the gulls whenever one would
catch a fish. It seemed that there were at least 10 Eagles over our
heads at all times for about an hour, with many resting in the trees
above the lighthouse. Two Steller Sea Lions and many seals also in
the food fight. The gulls were always right above the sea lions
waiting for scraps.

It was magic!

Capt. Jim

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